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WebAssembly MCQs and Answers with Explanation | WebAssembly Quiz

WebAssembly MCQ's

WebAssembly MCQs and Answers with Explanation: WebAssembly, also known as WASM, is a relatively new technology that has revolutionized the way we develop and run applications on the web. It is a binary instruction format designed to be fast, efficient, and portable, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to create high-performance web applications. In this article, we have included WebAssembly Multiple Choice Questions and answers that will help you understand the basics of WebAssembly. Attempt this WebAssembly Quiz right away to test your knowledge and identify areas where you need to improve to become an expert in this concept.

WebAssembly MCQ Questions and Answers

With its ability to run code at near-native speed and work across multiple platforms, WebAssembly has quickly become a popular choice for developers who want to create applications that can be accessed by a wide range of users. Now have a look at the following Top 61 WebAssembly MCQs with Answers and test your expertise.

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WebAssembly Multiple Choice Questions

Name WebAssembly
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 61 WebAssembly MCQ Questions with Answers | WebAssembly Quiz

1. What is WebAssembly?

A) A scripting language
B) A programming language
C) A binary format for executing code
D) An operating system

Answer: C) A binary format for executing code

Explanation: WebAssembly is a binary format that is designed to be a portable target for the compilation of high-level languages like C++, Rust, and others. It is used to execute code in a safe and efficient way in web browsers, and can also be used outside the browser environment.

2. What is the main benefit of using WebAssembly?

A) Faster performance than JavaScript
B) Easier to learn than JavaScript
C) More secure than JavaScript
D) More compatible with older browsers than JavaScript

Answer: A) Faster performance than JavaScript

Explanation: WebAssembly is designed to execute code faster than JavaScript, which can make a big difference in applications that require high performance. WebAssembly is also designed to be more secure than JavaScript, although both languages can be used together to create secure web applications.

3. Which programming languages can be compiled to WebAssembly?

A) C++ and Rust
B) Python and Java
C) JavaScript and PHP

Answer: A) C++ and Rust

Explanation: WebAssembly is designed to be a portable target for the compilation of high-level languages like C++, Rust, and others. This means that code written in these languages can be compiled to WebAssembly and executed in web browsers.

4. What is the role of the WebAssembly virtual machine?

A) To execute WebAssembly code
B) To compile WebAssembly code
C) To debug WebAssembly code
D) To optimize WebAssembly code

Answer: A) To execute WebAssembly code

Explanation: The WebAssembly virtual machine is responsible for executing WebAssembly code in a web browser. It takes the compiled WebAssembly binary and runs it in a safe and efficient manner.

5. What is the size of WebAssembly code compared to JavaScript code?

A) WebAssembly code is smaller than JavaScript code
B) WebAssembly code is larger than JavaScript code
C) WebAssembly code and JavaScript code are about the same size
D) The size of WebAssembly code depends on the programming language used

Answer: A) WebAssembly code is smaller than JavaScript code

Explanation: WebAssembly code is designed to be more compact than JavaScript code, which means it can be downloaded and executed more quickly in web browsers. This can be a big advantage in applications that require high performance.

6. How is WebAssembly code delivered to web browsers?

A) As a text file
B) As a compressed binary file
C) As a JavaScript file
D) As an HTML file

Answer: B) As a compressed binary file

Explanation: WebAssembly code is typically delivered to web browsers as a compressed binary file. This helps to reduce the size of the file, making it faster to download and execute.

7. Which of the following is not a benefit of using WebAssembly?

A) Better performance than JavaScript
B) More secure than JavaScript
C) Easier to learn than JavaScript
D) Portable across multiple platforms

Answer: C) Easier to learn than JavaScript

Explanation: Learning WebAssembly can be more challenging than learning JavaScript, as it requires knowledge of low-level programming concepts. However, it can be worth the effort, as WebAssembly can provide better performance and security than JavaScript in certain applications.

8. Can WebAssembly be used with JavaScript?

A) No, WebAssembly is a replacement for JavaScript
B) Yes, WebAssembly can be used alongside JavaScript
C) Yes, but only in certain web browsers
D) It depends on the programming language used to create the WebAssembly code

Answer: B) Yes, WebAssembly can be used alongside JavaScript

WebAssembly can be used alongside JavaScript in web applications. In fact, it is often used in conjunction with JavaScript to take advantage of the strengths of both languages. JavaScript can be used to handle user interface interactions and higher-level logic, while WebAssembly can be used to execute lower-level code with better performance.

9. What is the difference between WebAssembly and asm.js?

A) WebAssembly is a replacement for asm.js
B) asm.js is a subset of WebAssembly
C) WebAssembly and asm.js are the same thing
D) asm.js is a deprecated technology that has been replaced by WebAssembly

Answer: B) asm.js is a subset of WebAssembly

Explanation: asm.js is a subset of JavaScript that is designed to be executed more quickly in web browsers. WebAssembly is a separate technology that can also be used to execute code more quickly in web browsers. While they have some similarities, WebAssembly is a distinct technology that provides more benefits than asm.js.

10. Which of the following is not a supported data type in WebAssembly?

A) Integer
B) Float
C) Double
D) String

Answer: D) String

Explanation: WebAssembly does not have a native data type for strings. Instead, strings are represented as arrays of integers, with each integer representing a Unicode code point.

11. Which of the following is not a supported control structure in WebAssembly?

A) If-else statements
B) While loops
C) Switch statements
D) For loops

Answer: D) For loops

Explanation: WebAssembly does not have a native for loop construct. Instead, it can be emulated using while loops or recursion.

12. What is the purpose of the WebAssembly text format?

A) To make WebAssembly code easier to read and write
B) To make WebAssembly code more compact
C) To make WebAssembly code more secure
D) To make WebAssembly code more compatible with older web browsers

Answer: A) To make WebAssembly code easier to read and write

Explanation: The WebAssembly text format is a human-readable version of WebAssembly code that is designed to be easier to read and write than the binary format. It is used primarily for testing and debugging purposes.

13. What is a module in WebAssembly?

A) A single function or data structure in WebAssembly
B) A collection of functions and data structures in WebAssembly
C) A library of WebAssembly functions and data structures
D) A program written in WebAssembly

Answer: B) A collection of functions and data structures in WebAssembly

Explanation: In WebAssembly, a module is a collection of functions and data structures that can be used together. A module can be compiled from a single source file or from multiple source files, depending on the needs of the application.

14. What is the purpose of the import and export statements in WebAssembly?

A) To load and save data from the web browser
B) To import and export functions and data structures between WebAssembly modules and the host environment
C) To control the execution of WebAssembly code
D) To optimize the performance of WebAssembly code

Answer: B) To import and export functions and data structures between WebAssembly modules and the host environment

Explanation: The import and export statements in WebAssembly are used to define the interface between WebAssembly modules and the host environment. They allow functions and data structures to be imported from the host environment into WebAssembly modules, and vice versA)

15. What is a memory in WebAssembly?

A) A data structure used to store strings in WebAssembly
B) A data structure used to store arrays in WebAssembly
C) A region of linear memory used by WebAssembly modules
D) A data structure used to store arbitrary data in WebAssembly

Answer: C) A region of linear memory used by WebAssembly modules

Explanation: In WebAssembly, a memory is a region of linear memory that can be accessed by WebAssembly modules. It is used to store data that is larger than a single value, such as arrays or strings.

16. How is garbage collection handled in WebAssembly?

A) Garbage collection is not supported in WebAssembly
B) Garbage collection is handled by the host environment
C) Garbage collection is handled by the WebAssembly runtime
D) Garbage collection is handled by the programmer using manual memory management techniques

Answer: D) Garbage collection is handled by the programmer using manual memory management techniques

Explanation: WebAssembly does not have built-in support for garbage collection since it is designed to be a low-level language. Instead, the programmer is responsible for managing memory manually using techniques such as reference counting or mark-and-sweep algorithms.

17. What is the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI)?

A) A library of WebAssembly functions and data structures for working with the operating system
B) An interface for running WebAssembly code outside of a web browser
C) A set of standards for implementing WebAssembly in different programming languages
D) A library of WebAssembly functions and data structures for working with the World Wide Web

Answer: A) A library of WebAssembly functions and data structures for working with the operating system

Explanation: The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) is a standard interface for accessing operating system resources from WebAssembly code. It provides a set of standardized functions and data structures that can be used to interact with the file system, network, and other operating system resources.

18. How is WebAssembly code typically loaded into a web browser?

A) By including it directly in the HTML code of a web page
B) By loading it from a separate JavaScript file
C) By loading it from a separate WebAssembly binary file
D) By converting it from an asm.js file on the fly

Answer: C) By loading it from a separate WebAssembly binary file

Explanation: WebAssembly code is typically loaded into a web browser by including a link to a separate binary file that contains the compiled WebAssembly code. The binary file can be loaded using the Fetch API or a similar mechanism.

19. How does WebAssembly code interact with the DOM in a web browser?

A) By calling JavaScript functions that manipulate the DOM
B) By calling WebAssembly functions that manipulate the DOM directly
C) By using a separate library that provides a higher-level API for manipulating the DOM
D) WebAssembly code cannot directly manipulate the DOM

Answer: A) By calling JavaScript functions that manipulate the DOM

Explanation: WebAssembly code cannot directly manipulate the DOM, but it can call JavaScript functions that do so. This allows WebAssembly code to interact with the DOM in the same way as other JavaScript code.

20. What is the advantage of using WebAssembly over JavaScript for performance-critical code?

A) WebAssembly code is easier to write than JavaScript code
B) WebAssembly code is more portable than JavaScript code
C) WebAssembly code can execute faster than equivalent JavaScript code
D) WebAssembly code can access more operating system resources than JavaScript code

Answer: C) WebAssembly code can execute faster than equivalent JavaScript code

Explanation: WebAssembly code is designed to be executed more quickly than equivalent JavaScript code, particularly for performance-critical operations such as math-intensive calculations or image processing. This is because WebAssembly code is compiled to machine code, whereas JavaScript code is interpreted by the browser.

21. Can WebAssembly code access browser APIs and features?

A) Yes, but only through JavaScript functions
B) No, WebAssembly code is limited to the features and APIs provided by the WebAssembly runtime
C) Yes, WebAssembly code can directly access browser APIs and features
D) Yes, but only if the WebAssembly code is compiled with a special API access flag

Answer: A) Yes, but only through JavaScript functions

Explanation: WebAssembly code cannot directly access browser APIs and features, but it can call JavaScript functions that do so on its behalf. This allows WebAssembly code to access the same set of browser APIs and features as other JavaScript code.

22. How is WebAssembly code typically debugged?

A) Using a debugger built into the web browser
B) By adding debug statements to the WebAssembly code
C) By using a separate debugging tool that can connect to the WebAssembly runtime
D) WebAssembly code cannot be debugged

Answer: A) Using a debugger built into the web browser

Explanation: Web browsers typically include a debugger that can be used to debug WebAssembly code, just like JavaScript code. This allows developers to step through the code, inspect variables, and set breakpoints.

23. How is memory management handled in WebAssembly?

A) Memory is automatically allocated and deallocated by the WebAssembly runtime
B) Memory is manually managed by the programmer using low-level memory operations
C) Memory is automatically garbage-collected by the WebAssembly runtime
D) Memory management is not supported in WebAssembly

Answer: B) Memory is manually managed by the programmer using low-level memory operations

Explanation: WebAssembly does not have built-in support for automatic memory management or garbage collection. Instead, the programmer is responsible for manually managing memory using low-level memory operations such as load, store, and grow.

24. Can WebAssembly code be written in languages other than C/C++?

A) No, WebAssembly code can only be written in C/C++
B) Yes, but only in languages that can be compiled to WebAssembly bytecode
C) Yes, in any programming language that can be compiled to LLVM bytecode
D) Yes, in any programming language that can be compiled to machine code

Answer: B) Yes, but only in languages that can be compiled to WebAssembly bytecode

Explanation: WebAssembly code can be written in any programming language that can be compiled to WebAssembly bytecode, including languages such as Rust, Go, and AssemblyScript.

25. Can WebAssembly code be executed outside of the browser environment?

A) No, WebAssembly code can only be executed within a web browser
B) Yes, WebAssembly code can be executed in standalone environments such as servers or desktop applications
C) Yes, but only if the WebAssembly code is first transpiled to JavaScript
D) Yes, but only if the WebAssembly code is first transpiled to a lower-level language such as C++

Answer: B) Yes, WebAssembly code can be executed in standalone environments such as servers or desktop applications

Explanation: While WebAssembly is primarily designed for use within web browsers, it can also be executed in standalone environments outside of the browser. This can be useful for a variety of use cases, such as running WebAssembly code on servers or desktop applications.

26. What is the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to a WebAssembly module?

A) 4GB
B) 64KB
C) 4MB
D) There is no maximum limit

Answer: A) 4GB

Explanation: The maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to a WebAssembly module is 4GB) This is a large amount of memory, but it is still a finite limit that developers need to be aware of when designing their applications.

27. Can WebAssembly code interact with the DOM directly?

A) Yes, WebAssembly code can directly manipulate the DOM
B) No, WebAssembly code cannot directly manipulate the DOM
C) Yes, but only if the WebAssembly code is compiled with a special DOM access flag
D) Yes, but only through JavaScript functions that provide a DOM API

Answer: D) Yes, but only through JavaScript functions that provide a DOM API

Explanation: WebAssembly code cannot directly manipulate the DOM, but it can call JavaScript functions that provide a DOM API to do so on its behalf. This allows WebAssembly code to interact with the DOM in the same way that other JavaScript code does.

28. What is the primary advantage of using WebAssembly over JavaScript?

A) WebAssembly is faster than JavaScript
B) WebAssembly is more secure than JavaScript
C) WebAssembly is easier to write than JavaScript
D) WebAssembly has better support for modern web standards

Answer: A) WebAssembly is faster than JavaScript

Explanation: While there are other advantages to using WebAssembly, such as improved security and portability, the primary advantage is its improved performance compared to JavaScript. This is because WebAssembly is designed to be compiled directly to machine code, which makes it faster and more efficient than JavaScript’s interpreted code.

29. What is the file extension for WebAssembly binary files?

A) .js
B) .wasm
C) .wa
D) .weba

Answer: B) .wasm

Explanation: The file extension for WebAssembly binary files is .wasm. This is the format in which WebAssembly code is distributed and executeD)

30. Which of the following is not a limitation of WebAssembly?

A) WebAssembly cannot access the DOM directly
B) WebAssembly cannot use JavaScript libraries directly
C) WebAssembly cannot allocate more than 4GB of memory
D) WebAssembly cannot be used to create web applications

Answer: D) WebAssembly cannot be used to create web applications

Explanation: WebAssembly can be used to create web applications, and in fact, it has many potential use cases in this areA) The other options are all valid limitations of WebAssembly that developers should be aware of.

31. Which of the following is not a way to interact with WebAssembly code from JavaScript?

A) Passing parameters to WebAssembly functions
B) Returning values from WebAssembly functions
C) Accessing WebAssembly memory directly
D) Invoking WebAssembly functions from the browser console

Answer: D) Invoking WebAssembly functions from the browser console

Explanation: While it is technically possible to invoke WebAssembly functions from the browser console, this is not a recommended way to interact with WebAssembly code. The recommended ways to interact with WebAssembly code from JavaScript are by passing parameters to functions, returning values from functions, and accessing memory directly.

32. What is the name of the toolchain used to compile C and C++ code to WebAssembly?

A) Emscripten
C) Rust
D) Go

Answer: A) Emscripten

Explanation: Emscripten is a toolchain used to compile C and C++ code to WebAssembly. It allows developers to take existing C and C++ codebases and compile them to WebAssembly for use in the browser.

33. Which of the following is not a language that can be compiled to WebAssembly?

A) Rust
B) C#
C) TypeScript
D) Go

Answer: B) C#

Explanation: While many programming languages can be compiled to WebAssembly, C# is not one of them. However, there are ongoing efforts to add C# support to WebAssembly.

34. What is the name of the JavaScript API used to load and instantiate WebAssembly modules?

A) WebAssembly.load
B) WebAssembly.instantiate
C) WebAssembly.compile
D) WebAssembly.getInstance

Answer: B) WebAssembly.instantiate

Explanation: WebAssembly.instantiate is the JavaScript API used to load and instantiate WebAssembly modules. It takes a WebAssembly binary as input and returns a promise that resolves to an instance of the WebAssembly module.

35. Which of the following is not a valid data type in WebAssembly?

A) i32
B) i64
C) f32
D) char

Answer: D) char

Explanation: While i32, i64, f32, and f64 are all valid data types in WebAssembly, char is not. WebAssembly uses a different approach to character encoding, and strings are typically represented as arrays of bytes or words.

36. What is the name of the WebAssembly feature that allows for importing functions from JavaScript?

A) Imports
B) Exports
C) Globals
D) Tables

Answer: A) Imports

Explanation: The Imports feature in WebAssembly allows for importing functions from JavaScript into the WebAssembly module. This allows WebAssembly code to call JavaScript functions and access browser APIs.

37. Which of the following is not a valid memory access mode in WebAssembly?

A) i3B)load
B) i6D)load
C) f3B)load
D) bool.load

Answer: D) bool.load

Explanation: While i3B)load, i6D)load, and f3B)load are all valid memory access modes in WebAssembly, bool.load is not. WebAssembly does not have a boolean data type, and instead uses i32 for boolean values.

38. Which of the following is not a valid comparison operator in WebAssembly?

A) eq
B) ne
C) lt
D) ge

Answer: D)  ge

Explanation: While eq, ne, lt, and gt are all valid comparison operators in WebAssembly, ge (greater than or equal to) is not. Instead, WebAssembly uses the le (less than or equal to) operator, along with the other comparison operators, to implement all possible comparison operations.

39. What is the name of the WebAssembly feature that allows for exporting functions to JavaScript?

A) Imports
B) Exports
C) Globals
D) Tables

Answer: B) Exports

Explanation: The Exports feature in WebAssembly allows for exporting functions from the WebAssembly module to JavaScript. This allows JavaScript code to call WebAssembly functions and use functionality provided by the WebAssembly module.

40. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly instruction?

A) add
B) sub
C) div
D) sqrt

Answer: D) sqrt

Explanation: While add, sub, div, and mod are all valid WebAssembly instructions, sqrt (square root) is not. WebAssembly provides a limited set of instructions for performing mathematical operations and manipulating memory.

41. Which of the following is not a valid memory access size in WebAssembly?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 16

Answer: D) 16

Explanation: While 1, 2, 4, and 8 are all valid memory access sizes in WebAssembly, 16 is not. WebAssembly provides a limited set of memory access sizes to ensure efficient use of memory and fast execution.

42. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly module type?

A) i32
B) i64
C) f32
D) None of the above

Answer: D) None of the above

Explanation: i32, i64, f32, and f64 are all valid WebAssembly module types, representing different data types that can be used in WebAssembly code.

43. What is the name of the WebAssembly feature that allows for defining global variables?

A) Imports
B) Exports
C) Globals
D) Tables

Answer: C) Globals

Explanation: The Globals feature in WebAssembly allows for defining global variables in the WebAssembly module. These variables can be read and written to by WebAssembly code, and can be used to store global state.

44. What is the name of the WebAssembly feature that allows for defining function tables?

A) Imports
B) Exports
C) Globals
D) Tables

Answer: D) Tables

Explanation: The Tables feature in WebAssembly allows for defining function tables in the WebAssembly module. These tables can be used to implement function dispatch, allowing WebAssembly code to call other WebAssembly functions dynamically.

45. Which of the following is not a valid way to allocate memory in WebAssembly?

A) Using the WebAssembly.Memory constructor
B) Using the WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming API
C) Using the WebAssembly.instantiate API
D) Using the WebAssembly.compile API

Answer: D) Using the WebAssembly.compile API

Explanation: The WebAssembly.compile API is not a valid way to allocate memory in WebAssembly. Instead, it is used to compile WebAssembly code from a binary format into an executable module.

46. What is the name of the WebAssembly feature that allows for trapping and handling exceptions?

A) Exceptions
B) Traps
C) Errors
D) Faults

Answer: B) Traps

Explanation: The Traps feature in WebAssembly allows for trapping and handling exceptions that occur during WebAssembly execution. Traps can be used to implement error handling and recovery in WebAssembly code.

47. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly memory operation?

A) grow_memory
B) init_memory
C) load
D) store

Answer: B) init_memory

Explanation: init_memory is not a valid WebAssembly memory operation. Instead, WebAssembly provides a grow_memory operation to dynamically increase the size of the linear memory region, as well as load and store operations to read and write to memory.

48. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly control flow instruction?

A) block
B) loop
C) call
D) div

Answer: D) div

Explanation: div is not a valid WebAssembly control flow instruction. Instead, WebAssembly provides a limited set of control flow instructions, including block, loop, call, and return.

49. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly value type?

A) i32
B) i64
C) f32
D) char

Answer: D) char

Explanation: char is not a valid WebAssembly value type. Instead, WebAssembly provides a limited set of value types, including i32, i64, f32, and f6D)

50. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly linear memory operation?

A) load
B) store
C) grow_memory
D) copy_memory

Answer: D) copy_memory

Explanation: copy_memory is not a valid WebAssembly linear memory operation. Instead, WebAssembly provides load and store operations for reading and writing to memory, as well as grow_memory for dynamically increasing the size of the memory region, and fill_memory for filling a range of memory with a given value.

51. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly instruction category?

A) Numeric
B) Memory
C) Control flow
D) Debugging

Answer: D) Debugging

Explanation: While WebAssembly provides a limited set of debugging features, including source mapping and stack tracing, Debugging is not a valid instruction category in WebAssembly. Instead, WebAssembly provides numeric, memory, and control flow instructions.

52. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly value category?

A) Primitive
B) Compound
C) Reference
D) None of the above

Answer: D) None of the above

Explanation: Primitive, Compound, and Reference are all valid value categories in WebAssembly, representing different types of values that can be used in WebAssembly code.

53. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly type?

A) Function
B) Struct
C) Array
D) None of the above

Answer: B) Struct

Explanation: While WebAssembly provides a limited set of composite types, including arrays and tuples, Struct is not a valid WebAssembly type.

54. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly instruction to load a value from memory?

A) i3B)load
B) i6D)load
C) f3B)load
D) string.load

Answer: D) string.load

Explanation: string.load is not a valid WebAssembly instruction to load a value from memory. Instead, WebAssembly provides load instructions for specific value types, including i32, i64, and f3B)

55. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly instruction to store a value to memory?

A) i3B)store
B) i6D)store
C) f3B)store

Answer: D)

Explanation: is not a valid WebAssembly instruction to store a value to memory. Instead, WebAssembly provides store instructions for specific value types, including i32, i64, and f3B)

56. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly module element?

A) Function
B) Import
C) Export
D) Instruction

Answer: D) Instruction

Explanation: Instruction is not a valid WebAssembly module element. Instead, WebAssembly modules consist of functions, imports, exports, and other module-level declarations.

57. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly data type?

A) i32
B) i64
C) f32
D) bool

Answer: D) bool

Explanation: While WebAssembly provides a limited set of primitive data types, including i32, i64, and f32, bool is not a valid WebAssembly data type.

58. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly instruction category?

A) Arithmetic
B) Memory
C) Control flow
D) String

Answer: D) String

Explanation: String is not a valid WebAssembly instruction category. Instead, WebAssembly provides arithmetic, memory, control flow, and comparison instructions.

59. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly control flow instruction?

A) loop
B) call
C) br
D) add

Answer: D) add

Explanation: add is not a valid WebAssembly control flow instruction. Instead, WebAssembly provides a limited set of control flow instructions, including loop, call, br, and eqz.

60. Which of the following is not a valid WebAssembly validation error?

A) Type mismatch
B) Stack overflow
C) Invalid opcode
D) Label mismatch

Answer: B) Stack overflow

Explanation: While a stack overflow can occur during the execution of a WebAssembly program, it is not a validation error. Instead, WebAssembly validation errors include type mismatches, invalid opcodes, label mismatches, and other issues that prevent the program from being executed correctly.

61. What is the purpose of the WebAssembly interface types proposal?

A) To improve the performance of WebAssembly modules
B) To make it easier to integrate WebAssembly modules with other languages and environments
C) To provide a more expressive type system for WebAssembly modules
D) To enable WebAssembly modules to access system-level resources

Answer: B) To make it easier to integrate WebAssembly modules with other languages and environments

Explanation: The WebAssembly interface types proposal is designed to make it easier to integrate WebAssembly modules with other languages and environments. It provides a flexible, efficient mechanism for communicating between WebAssembly modules and host environments, without requiring complex marshaling or conversion logic)

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