XPath MCQs and Answers With Explanation | XPath Quiz: XPath is a language used to navigate via and pick out factors in an XML record. It is a powerful tool that allows developers to discover particular records inside an XML structure and has become a critical issue of cutting-edge net improvement. XPath allows the choice of factors based totally on diverse attributes, including tag name, characteristic values, and element function, making it a flexible and bendy device for statistics extraction and manipulation. In this article, you will be able to explore the Top 60 XPath Multiple Choice Questions related to XPath, so that it will assist you to test your expertise in this vital generation.
XPath MCQs with Answers
These XPath MCQs with solutions/ XPath quizzes will help you in comparing your proficiency in querying and selecting nodes from XML files. Whether you are preparing for an interview or an examination related to data integration and management, those XPath multiple-choice questions and solutions/ XPath questions & answers will assist you to gauge your information and put it to apply. So, without delay, evaluate these XPath MCQs and answers and get geared up in your evaluation or interview very well.
XPath MCQ Questions
Name | XPath |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Top 60 XPath Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is XPath?
a) A programming language
b) A query language for XML documents
c) A database management system
d) A markup language
Answer: b) A query language for XML documents
Explanation: XPath stands for XML Path Language. It is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.
2. What does the term “XPath expression” mean?
a) A statement that defines an element in an XML document
b) A query that selects specific elements or attributes in an XML document
c) A data type in XML documents
d) A stylesheet used to format XML documents
Answer: b) A query that selects specific elements or attributes in an XML document
Explanation: An XPath expression is a query that selects specific elements or attributes in an XML document.
3. Which of the following is not a valid XPath expression?
a) /bookstore/book
b) //book
c) /bookstore/book[price>25]
d) /bookstore[price>25]/book
Answer: d) /bookstore[price>25]/book
Explanation: This expression is not valid because there is no “price” attribute in the “bookstore” element.
4. Which of the following XPath expressions selects all the elements named “title” in an XML document?
a) //title
b) /title
c) title
d) //*[@name=’title’]
Answer: a) //title
Explanation: The double forward slash (//) selects all elements with the name “title” regardless of their location in the document.
5. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the second “book” element in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[1]
b) /bookstore/book[2]
c) /bookstore/book[position()=2]
d) /bookstore/book[last()-1]
Answer: b) /bookstore/book[2]
Explanation: The index of the second “book” element is 2, so the correct expression is /bookstore/book[2].
6. Which of the following XPath expressions selects all the elements that have an attribute named “id”?
a) //@id
b) //id
c) /id
d) //*[@id]
Answer: a) //@id
Explanation: The double forward slash (//) selects all elements with an attribute named “id”.
7. Which of the following XPath expressions selects all the “book” elements that have a “category” attribute with the value “fiction”?
a) /bookstore/book[@category=’fiction’]
b) /bookstore/book[category=’fiction’]
c) /bookstore[@category=’fiction’]/book
d) //book[category=’fiction’]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[@category=’fiction’]
Explanation: The expression selects all “book” elements that have a “category” attribute with the value “fiction”.
8. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the text content of the first “title” element in an XML document?
a) /title[1]
b) //title[1]
c) /title
d) //title
Answer: b) //title[1]
Explanation: The double forward slash (//) selects all “title” elements, and the index [1] selects the first one.
9. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “price” element that is a descendant of the second “book” element in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[2]/price
b) /bookstore/book[2]//price
c) //book[2]/price
d) //book[2]//price
Answer: b) /bookstore/book[2]//price
Explanation: The double forward slash (//) selects all descendant “price” elements of the second “book” element.
10. Which of the following XPath expressions selects all “book” elements that have a “price” element with a value greater than 20?
a) /bookstore/book[price>20]
b) /bookstore/book[price=’20’]
c) /bookstore/book[@price>20]
d) //book[@price>20]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[price>20]
Explanation: The expression selects all “book” elements that have a “price” element with a value greater than 20.
11. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “title” element that is a sibling of the “author” element in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book/author/title
b) /bookstore/book/author/following-sibling::title
c) /bookstore/book/author/preceding-sibling::title
d) /bookstore/book/author/parent::title
Answer: b) /bookstore/book/author/following-sibling::title
Explanation: The “following-sibling” axis selects the next sibling of the “author” element, which in this case is the “title” element.
12. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” element that has the highest “price” value in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[price=max(//book/price)]
b) /bookstore/book[price=max(book/price)]
c) /bookstore/book[price=max(price)]
d) /bookstore/book[max(price)]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[price=max(//book/price)]
Explanation: The max() function is used to find the highest “price” value in the document, and the expression selects the “book” element with that value.
13. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “title” elements that contain the word “XML” in an XML document?
a) /title[contains(text(), ‘XML’)]
b) //title[contains(text(), ‘XML’)]
c) /bookstore/book[contains(title, ‘XML’)]
d) //book[contains(title, ‘XML’)]/title
Answer: b) //title[contains(text(), ‘XML’)]
Explanation: The “contains” function is used to search for the word “XML” in the text content of the “title” elements.
14. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have at least one “author” element with the value “John Doe” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[author=’John Doe’]
b) /bookstore/book[author/text()=’John Doe’]
c) /bookstore/book[author[contains(text(), ‘John Doe’)]]
d) /bookstore/book[author[@name=’John Doe’]]
Answer: b) /bookstore/book[author/text()=’John Doe’]
Explanation: The “text()” function is used to select the text content of the “author” element, and the “=” operator is used to compare it to the value “John Doe”.
15. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have no “author” element in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[not(author)]
b) /bookstore/book[author=”]
c) /bookstore/book[author=null]
d) /bookstore/book[author=empty()]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[not(author)]
Explanation: The “not” function is used to select the “book” elements that do not have any “author” element.
16. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have an “author” element with an “id” attribute equal to “a1” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[author/@id=’a1′]
b) /bookstore/book[author[id=’a1′]]
c) /bookstore/book[author[id()=’a1′]]
d) /bookstore/book[author[id=’a1′]]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[author/@id=’a1′]
Explanation: The “@” symbol is used to select an attribute value, and the “id” attribute of the “author” element is compared to the value “a1”.
17. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element with a value starting with the letter “X” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[title=’X*’]
b) /bookstore/book[title=’X%’]
c) /bookstore/book[starts-with(title, ‘X’)]
d) /bookstore/book[substring(title, 1, 1)=’X’]
Answer: c) /bookstore/book[starts-with(title, ‘X’)]
Explanation: The “starts-with” function is used to search for “title” elements that start with the letter “X”.
18. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “price” element with a value between 10 and 20 in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[price>10 and price<20]
b) /bookstore/book[price=10 or price=20]
c) /bookstore/book[price>=10 and price<=20]
d) /bookstore/book[price!=10 and price!=20]
Answer: c) /bookstore/book[price>=10 and price<=20]
Explanation: The comparison operators are used to select the “price” elements that have a value between 10 and 20.
19. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “author” elements that have a “name” attribute in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book/author[@name]
b) /bookstore/book/author[name()]
c) /bookstore/book/author/@name
d) /bookstore/book/author[name]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book/author[@name]
Explanation: The “@” symbol is used to select an attribute, and the “name” attribute is used to select the “author” elements that have this attribute.
20. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have at least one “review” element in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[review]
b) /bookstore/book[count(review)>0]
c) /bookstore/book[review()]
d) /bookstore/book[review!=”]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[review]
Explanation: The presence of a child element is enough to select the parent element, so the “review” element alone is enough to select the “book” element that contains it.
21. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have exactly two “author” elements in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[count(author)=2]
b) /bookstore/book[author[2]]
c) /bookstore/book[author[1] and author[2]]
d) /bookstore/book[author[1], author[2]]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[count(author)=2]
Explanation: The “count” function is used to count the number of “author” elements, and only the “book” elements that have exactly two “author” elements are selected.
22. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “year” element with a value greater than 2000 and a “price” element with a value less than 20 in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[year>2000 and price<20]
b) /bookstore/book[year>2000 or price<20]
c) /bookstore/book[year>2000][price<20]
d) /bookstore/book[year<2000][price>20]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[year>2000 and price<20]
Explanation: The “and” operator is used to select the “book” elements that satisfy both conditions.
23. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “category” element with a value of “fiction” or “mystery” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[category=’fiction’ or category=’mystery’]
b) /bookstore/book[category=(‘fiction’, ‘mystery’)]
c) /bookstore/book[category in (‘fiction’, ‘mystery’)]
d) /bookstore/book[category!=’fiction’ and category!=’mystery’]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[category=’fiction’ or category=’mystery’]
Explanation: The “or” operator is used to select the “book” elements that have a “category” element with a value of “fiction” or “mystery”.
24. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “year” element with a value less than 2000 or a “price” element with a value greater than 20 in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[year<2000 or price>20]
b) /bookstore/book[year<2000][price>20]
c) /bookstore/book[year>2000 or price<20]
d) /bookstore/book[year>2000][price<20]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[year<2000 or price>20]
Explanation: The “or” operator is used to select the “book” elements that satisfy at least one of the conditions.
25. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]
b) /bookstore/book[isbn=’12345′]
c) /bookstore/book/@isbn=’12345′
d) /bookstore/book[@isbn]/12345
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]
Explanation: The “@” symbol is used to indicate an attribute, and the “book” element is selected only if it has an attribute named “isbn” with a value of “12345”.
26. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “title” element that is a child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/title
b) /bookstore/book/title[@isbn=’12345′]
c) /bookstore/title[@isbn=’12345′]/book
d) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]//title
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/title
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “title” element that is a child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345”.
27. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “author” element that is the first child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[1]
b) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author
c) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]//author[1]
d) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[position()=1]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[1]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “author” element that is the first child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345”.
28. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “author” elements that are the second or third child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345” in an XML document?
a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[position()=2 or position()=3]
b) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[position()=2,3]
c) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[2,3]
d) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[position()=2]/following-sibling::author[1]
Answer: a) /bookstore/book[@isbn=’12345′]/author[position()=2 or position()=3]
Explanation: The “or” operator is used to select the “author” elements that are the second or third child of the “book” element with an attribute named “isbn” that has a value of “12345”.
29. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “title” element that contains the text “Harry Potter” in an XML document?
a) //title[contains(text(), ‘Harry Potter’)]
b) //title[contains(., ‘Harry Potter’)]
c) //title[text()=’Harry Potter’]
d) //title[.=’Harry Potter’]
Answer: b) //title[contains(., ‘Harry Potter’)]
Explanation: The “contains()” function is used to check if the “title” element contains the text “Harry Potter”.
30. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “price” element with a value greater than 10 in an XML document?
a) //book[price > 10]
b) //book[price > ’10’]
c) //book[price > ‘10.0’]
d) //book[price > ‘10.00’]
Answer: a) //book[price > 10]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have a “price” element with a numeric value greater than 10.
31. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “price” element with a value less than or equal to 10 in an XML document?
a) //book[price <= 10]
b) //book[price <= ’10’]
c) //book[price <= ‘10.0’]
d) //book[price <= ‘10.00’]
Answer: a) //book[price <= 10]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have a “price” element with a numeric value less than or equal to 10.
32. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element with a value that starts with “The” in an XML document?
a) //book[title starts-with ‘The’]
b) //book[title starts-with(‘The’)]
c) //book[starts-with(title, ‘The’)]
d) //book[contains(title, ‘The’) and starts-with(title, ‘The’)]
Answer: c) //book[starts-with(title, ‘The’)]
Explanation: The “starts-with()” function is used to check if the value of the “title” element starts with “The”.
33. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element with a value that ends with “Chronicles” in an XML document?
a) //book[title ends-with ‘Chronicles’]
b) //book[title ends-with(‘Chronicles’)]
c) //book[ends-with(title, ‘Chronicles’)]
d) //book[contains(title, ‘Chronicles’) and ends-with(title, ‘Chronicles’)]
Answer: d) //book[contains(title, ‘Chronicles’) and ends-with(title, ‘Chronicles’)]
Explanation: The “contains()” and “ends-with()” functions are used to check if the value of the “title” element contains “Chronicles
34. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element with a value that contains the word “Dragon” in an XML document?
a) //book[title contains ‘Dragon’]
b) //book[title contains(‘Dragon’)]
c) //book[contains(title, ‘Dragon’)]
d) //book[starts-with(title, ‘Dragon’) and ends-with(title, ‘Dragon’)]
Answer: c) //book[contains(title, ‘Dragon’)]
Explanation: The “contains()” function is used to check if the value of the “title” element contains the word “Dragon”.
35. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element with a value that matches the regular expression “^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$” in an XML document?
a) //book[matches(title, ‘^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$’)]
b) //book[title matches(‘^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$’)]
c) //book[title matches(‘The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles’)]
d) //book[contains(title, ‘^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$’)]
Answer: a) //book[matches(title, ‘^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$’)]
Explanation: The “matches()” function is used to check if the value of the “title” element matches the regular expression “^The [A-Za-z]+ Chronicles$”.
36. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “year” element with a value that is not equal to 2010 in an XML document?
a) //book[year != 2010]
b) //book[year != ‘2010’]
c) //book[year ne 2010]
d) //book[year ne ‘2010’]
Answer: a) //book[year != 2010]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have a “year” element with a value that is not equal to 2010.
37. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price]
b) //book[title or price]
c) //book[title intersect price]
d) //book[title except price]
Answer: a) //book[title and price]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements.
38. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element or a “price” element in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price]
b) //book[title or price]
c) //book[title intersect price]
d) //book[title except price]
Answer: b) //book[title or price]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have either “title” or “price” elements.
39. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element but not a “price” element in an XML document?
a) //book[title and not(price)]
b) //book[title and !(price)]
c) //book[title except price]
d) //book[title intersect not(price)]
Answer: a) //book[title and not(price)]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element but not a “price” element.
40. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element with a value greater than 10 in an XML document
a) //book[title and price and (price > 10)]
b) //book[title or price or (price > 10)]
c) //book[title intersect price and (price > 10)]
d) //book[title except price and (price > 10)]
Answer: a) //book[title and price and (price > 10)]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements with a value greater than 10.
41. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element with a value between 10 and 20 in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price and (price >= 10 and price <= 20)]
b) //book[title or price or (price >= 10 and price <= 20)]
c) //book[title intersect price and (price >= 10 and price <= 20)]
d) //book[title except price and (price >= 10 and price <= 20)]
Answer: a) //book[title and price and (price >= 10 and price <= 20)]
Explanation: The XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements with a value between 10 and 20.
42. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, sorted by the value of the “price” element in ascending order, in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price]/order-by(price)
b) //book[title and price] order-by(price ascending)
c) //book[title and price] order-by(price)
d) //book[title and price] order-by(price, ‘ascending’)
Answer: c) //book[title and price] order-by(price)
Explanation: The “order-by()” function is used to sort the selected elements based on the specified criteria. In this case, the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements are sorted by the value of the “price” element in ascending order.
43. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, sorted by the value of the “price” element in descending order, in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price]/order-by(price)
b) //book[title and price] order-by(price descending)
c) //book[title and price] order-by(price, ‘descending’)
d) //book[title and price] order-by(price) descending
Answer: c) //book[title and price] order-by(price, ‘descending’)
Explanation: The “order-by()” function is used to sort the selected elements based on the specified criteria. In this case, the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements are sorted by the value of the “price” element in descending order.
44. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns only the first 5 elements, in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price][position() <= 5]
b) //book[title and price][position() < 5]
c) //book[title and price][position() >= 5]
d) //book[title and price][position() > 5]
Answer: a) //book[title and price][position() <= 5]
Explanation: The “position()” function is used to get the position of the selected element in the result set. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns only the first 5 elements.
45. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and skips the first 5 elements, in an XML document?
a) //book[title and price][position() > 5]
b) //book[title and price][position() >= 5]
c) //book[title and price][position() < 5]
d) //book[title and price][position() <= 5]
Answer: a) //book[title and price][position() > 5]
Explanation: The “position()” function is used to get the position of the selected element in the result set. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and skips the first 5 elements.
46. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the count of the selected elements, in an XML document?
a) count(//book[title and price])
b) //book[title and price]/count()
c) //book[title and price][count()]
d) //book[title and price] count()
Answer: a) count(//book[title and price])
Explanation: The “count()” function is used to get the number of elements in the result set. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the count of the selected elements.
47. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the sum of the values of the “price” elements, in an XML document?
a) sum(//book[title and price])
b) //book[title and price]/sum(price)
c) //book[title and price][sum(price)]
d) //book[title and price] sum(price)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/sum(price)
Explanation: The “sum()” function is used to get the sum of the values of the specified elements. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the sum of the values of the “price” elements.
48. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the average of the values of the “price” elements, in an XML document?
a) avg(//book[title and price])
b) //book[title and price]/avg(price)
c) //book[title and price][avg(price)]
d) //book[title and price] avg(price)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/avg(price)
Explanation: The “avg()” function is used to get the average of the values of the specified elements. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the average of the values of the “price” elements.
49. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the minimum value of the “price” elements, in an XML document?
a) min(//book[title and price])
b) //book[title and price]/min(price)
c) //book[title and price][min(price)]
d) //book[title and price] min(price)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/min(price)
Explanation: The “min()” function is used to get the minimum value of the specified elements. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the minimum value of the “price” elements.
50. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the maximum value of the “price” elements, in an XML document?
a) max(//book[title and price])
b) //book[title and price]/max(price)
c) //book[title and price][max(price)]
d) //book[title and price] max(price)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/max(price)
Explanation: The “max()” function is used to get the maximum value of the specified elements. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the maximum value of the “price” elements.
51. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the concatenated values of the “title” elements, separated by commas, in an XML document?
a) concat(//book[title and price]/title, “,”)
b) //book[title and price]/concat(title, “,”)
c) //book[title and price][concat(title, “,”)]
d) //book[title and price] concat(title, “,”)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/concat(title, “,”)
Explanation: The “concat()” function is used to concatenate the values of the specified elements, separated by the specified separator. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the concatenated values of the “title” elements, separated by commas.
52. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values in upper case, in an XML document?
a) upper-case(//book[title and price]/title)
b) //book[title and price]/upper-case(title)
c) //book[title and price][upper-case(title)]
d) //book[title and price] upper-case(title)
Answer: a) upper-case(//book[title and price]/title)
Explanation: The “upper-case()” function is used to convert the specified string to upper case. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values in upper case.
53. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values in lower case, in an XML document?
a) lower-case(//book[title and price]/title)
b) //book[title and price]/lower-case(title)
c) //book[title and price][lower-case(title)]
d) //book[title and price] lower-case(title)
Answer: a) lower-case(//book[title and price]/title)
Explanation: The “lower-case()” function is used to convert the specified string to lower case. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values in lower case.
54. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter capitalized, in an XML document?
a) capitalize(//book[title and price]/title)
b) //book[title and price]/capitalize(title)
c) //book[title and price][capitalize(title)]
d) //book[title and price] capitalize(title)
Answer: a) capitalize(//book[title and price]/title)
Explanation: The “capitalize()” function is used to capitalize the first letter of the specified string. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter capitalized.
55. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter of each word capitalized, in an XML document?
a) title-case(//book[title and price]/title)
b) //book[title and price]/title-case(title)
c) //book[title and price][title-case(title)]
d) //book[title and price] title-case(title)
Answer: a) title-case(//book[title and price]/title)
Explanation: The “title-case()” function is used to capitalize the first letter of each word in the specified string. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter of each word capitalized.
56. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter of each word capitalized and the rest of the letters in lower case, in an XML document?
a) title-case(lower-case(//book[title and price]/title))
b) //book[title and price]/title-case(lower-case(title))
c) //book[title and price][title-case(lower-case(title))]
d) //book[title and price] title-case(lower-case(title))
Answer: a) title-case(lower-case(//book[title and price]/title))
Explanation: The “title-case()” function is used to capitalize the first letter of each word in the specified string, and the “lower-case()” function is used to convert the string to lower case. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values with the first letter of each word capitalized and the rest of the letters in lower case.
57. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values with the vowels replaced by the letter “x”, in an XML document?
a) translate(//book[title and price]/title, “aeiou”, “x”)
b) //book[title and price]/translate(title, “aeiou”, “x”)
c) //book[title and price][translate(title, “aeiou”, “x”)]
d) //book[title and price] translate(title, “aeiou”, “x”)
Answer: b) //book[title and price]/translate(title, “aeiou”, “x”)
Explanation: The “translate()” function is used to replace each occurrence of a character with another character. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values with the vowels replaced by the letter “x”.
58. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values with the vowels replaced by the letter “x” and the first letter of each word capitalized, in an XML document?
a) title-case(translate(//book[title and price]/title, “aeiou”, “x”))
b) translate(title-case(//book[title and price]/title), “aeiou”, “x”)
c) translate(//book[title and price]/title-case(title), “aeiou”, “x”)
d) //book[title and price] translate(title-case(title), “aeiou”, “x”)
Answer: b) translate(title-case(//book[title and price]/title), “aeiou”, “x”)
Explanation: The “translate()” function is used to replace each occurrence of a character with another character, and the “title-case()” function is used to capitalize the first letter of each word in the specified string. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values with the vowels replaced by the letter “x” and the first letter of each word capitalized.
59. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values sorted alphabetically, in an XML document?
a) sort(//book[title and price]/title)
b) //book[title and price]/sort(title)
c) //book[title and price][sort(title)]
d) //book[title and price] sort(title)
Answer: a) sort(//book[title and price]/title)
Explanation: The “sort()” function is used to sort the specified sequence in ascending order. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values sorted alphabetically.
60. Which of the following XPath expressions selects the “book” elements that have a “title” element and a “price” element, and returns the “title” element values sorted in descending order, in an XML document?
a) sort(//book[title and price]/title, “descending”)
b) //book[title and price]/sort(title, “descending”)
c) //book[title and price][sort(title, “descending”)]
d) //book[title and price] sort(title, “descending”)
Answer: a) sort(//book[title and price]/title, “descending”)
Explanation: The “sort()” function is used to sort the specified sequence in ascending order by default, but can be changed to descending order by specifying “descending” as the second argument. In this case, the XPath expression selects the “book” elements that have both “title” and “price” elements, and returns the “title” element values sorted in descending order.
XPath is a powerful tool for selecting elements and attributes from an XML or HTML document. By mastering XPath, developers can efficiently extract data and navigate complex document structures with ease. The XPath MCQs presented in this text provide freshers with a valuable opportunity to check their understanding of this protocol and put it together for related checks and job interviews.
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